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Imagine reaching deep inside you for all the strength and wisdom that you need to make this decision today. As you do so, imagine that when you choose to make that decision that deep inside your mind you are switching off the alternative path, you are switching off the opportunity to drift back to that place. Then step out and take your future path. Absorb yourself in the sensations, the feelings, the sights, the sounds and of course continue to engage in your future the way I have discussed in previous articles on this blog.

What is the exact sequence of events that will take you to where you want to be? Have a think consciously of what you need to do. Every outcome begins with the first step. When you decide you want to have a romantic meal for two, there are many steps that you need to perform in order for that to happen. You need to determine the exact sequence of events and write it down.

Begin with the outcome in mind. You must improve upon, clarify and make clear just exactly who and what you are going to be doing, experiencing, living and having in 10 years. This is the first step of the process! Key: Notice how you felt excited and optimistic when you did this? The reason is simple. It’s the life you are designing instead of the one that was given you and that you have lived with less intention and purpose to date.

The sad thing is the majority of people have no clue about what they truly want. They have no clarity. When asked the question, responses will be superficial at best, and at worst, will be what someone else wants for them.

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We also know those epic stories, those modern-day legends surrounding the early failures of such supremely successful folks as Michael Jordan and Bill Gates. We can look a bit further back in time to Albert Einstein or even further back to Abraham Lincoln.Use a past defeat as a motivator. Remind yourself you have nowhere to go except up as you have already been at the bottom.

I truly believe Augustine’s words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talents who realize only a small percentage of their potential. We all know people who live this truth.Give yourself the power of responsibility. Remind yourself the only thing stopping you is yourself.

Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones. Although each is successful separately, the right combination of both is the most powerful motivational force known to humankind.Make a list of your achievements toward your long-term goal and remind yourself that intentions don’t count, only action’s.

Reflect and experiment until you find the right combination of motivators for your personality and your personal goals. Do it today. Remind yourself of someone you know who died suddenly and the fact that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come.

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Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you — you are the only one with the power to motivate you. Motivation cannot be an external force, it must come from within as the natural product of your desire to achieve something and your belief that you are capable to succeed at your goal.

What is the exact sequence of events that will take you to where you want to be? Have a think consciously of what you need to do. Every outcome begins with the first step. When you decide you want to have a romantic meal for two, there are many steps that you need to perform in order for that to happen. You need to determine the exact sequence of events and write it down.

The sad thing is the majority of people have no clue about what they truly want. They have no clarity. When asked the question, responses will be superficial at best, and at worst, will be what someone else wants for them.

Imagine reaching deep inside you for all the strength and wisdom that you need to make this decision today. As you do so, imagine that when you choose to make that decision that deep inside your mind you are switching off the alternative path, you are switching off the opportunity to drift back to that place. Then step out and take your future path. Absorb yourself in the sensations, the feelings, the sights, the sounds and of course continue to engage in your future the way I have discussed in previous articles on this blog.

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Positive pleasure-oriented goals are much more powerful motivators than negative fear-based ones. Although each is successful separately, the right combination of both is the most powerful motivational force known to humankind.Make a list of your achievements toward your long-term goal and remind yourself that intentions don’t count, only action’s.

Reflect and experiment until you find the right combination of motivators for your personality and your personal goals. Do it today. Remind yourself of someone you know who died suddenly and the fact that there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come.

Commitment is something that comes from understanding that everything has its price and then having the willingness to pay that price. This is important because nobody wants to put significant effort into something, only to find out after the fact that the price was too high. We all know people who live this truth.Give yourself the power of responsibility.

I truly believe Augustine’s words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talents who realize only a small percentage of their potential. We all know people who live this truth.Give yourself the power of responsibility. Remind yourself the only thing stopping you is yourself.

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