
Stock Market

Total Sale

Value 100.82K
Target 150.32K
72.10% of Target


Value 325.45K
Target 456.78K
98.10% of Target


Value 123.45K
Target 145.45K
78.56% of Target

Total Profit

Value 789.45K
Target 545.45K
85.45% of Target

Sale analysis Trend

Revenue trend by salesperson

Weekly Top Seller

Sales person Date (Period) Sale KPI vs Target Target % change
Smith Drake 12/01/2019 64.163,40 58.875,49 $12.546,45 18%
Vanessa Angel 12/01/2019 58.875,49 64.163,40 $45.656,12 20%
Bacon Francis 12/01/2019 64.163,40 58.875,49 $89.564,53 12.5%
Albom Mitch 12/01/2019 64.163,40 70.007,90 $65.456,45 16%
Fenish Paul 12/01/2019 $58.875,49 64.163,40 $78.565,56 6%
Martha Doe 12/01/2019 64.163,40 $58.875,4 $65.456,54 17%

Top Buyers

Key metrics

Total pages views

Impedit vitae odit dolores tempora!

456,489 65%
Posts published

Impedit vitae odit dolores tempora!

49 45%
Median views

Impedit vitae odit dolores tempora!

2,563 23%
Median posts

Impedit vitae odit dolores tempora!

658 36%
Share / post

Impedit vitae odit dolores tempora!

2,312 55%

Actual vs Budget hours

Traffic sources

Sources Clicks Conversions Cr
Google 12,456 2,789 90%
Youtube 11,156 2,123 88%
Fabebook 10,656 1,262 50%
Twitter 9,561 2,789 82%
Instagram 7,456 986 72%
Behance 6,136 789 66%
Pinterest 4,123 2,789 52%
Linkedin 2,659 489 40%

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